Legal Notice
The house of Elise – Grand rue, 11 190 Rennes-le-château
Telephone number: 06 07 82 73 48
Email contact: chambre.hote.elise [@]
222-224 Boulevard Gustave Flaubert
63000 Clermont-Ferrand
SARL with capital of 100 000 euros
SIRET 510 909 80700024
RCS Clermont-Ferrand – Registered trademark INPI
The guest house, the Maison d’Elise, declines any responsibility for the difficulties encountered when accessing its site or for any communication failure.
The house of Elise reserves the right to modify, to interrupt temporarily or permanently all or a part of the site, without notice. The house of Elise can under no circumstances be held liable to you or to a third party for any modification, interruption or suspension of the site.
Computing and freedom
The personal data collected on the site result from the voluntary communication of an e-mail address during the filing of an electronic message (non-stored information) and / or the subscription to the newsletter. And / or creating an account to contribute to the site.
The e-mail addresses collected are used only to transmit the requested information. The e-mail addresses collected will not be transferred to third parties or any other processing.
In accordance with Article 39 and 40 of Law 78-17 of 6 January 1978 relating to information, files and freedoms, you have the right to access and rectify your personal data. In order to exercise this right, you can contact the house of Elise through our contact form or by mail.
La maison d’ Elise
Studio in Rennes le château
Grand rue
11 190 Rennes-le-Château
Phone numbers:
+33 6 07 82 73 48
+33 4 68 20 66 72
To come :
Google maps
By train :
TER Languedoc Roussillon
By plane :
Carcassonne aeroport
Toulouse aeroport
Montpellier aeroport